Thursday, March 27, 2008

i'm in love

I finally decided to watch this movie (I missed it in theaters) and I think I am in love. Ok, I don't think I am in love, I KNOW I'm in love with this beautiful cult movie. Insert happy sigh here. It's so refreshing. Ahhhhh. So lovely!

In a weird morbid way it comforted me. I am so afraid of death and dying and watching this movie kind of made me wish the afterlife was...not as horrifying just like that. Just normal, you know? Seamless. But I'd like to be able to smile unlike them. I know the movie is all make believe but it's nice to have your own security blanket, right? People have Heaven. Why can't I have my pretty little make believe world?

Aside from my morbid aspirations, you need to watch this movie if you haven't already! I want to find a used copy of this DVD to have for my own. And the soundtrack, too! Let me just drive off aimlessly with it playing! Maybe up the 101 or something.